Marys Snowman by Deborah Dybowski - Children's Stories Net

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Marys Snowman
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

Eight year old Mary has one wish for Christmas.
She wants to build her first snowman in the backyard of her new home, but with two days before Christmas, there is no snow.

Children's Story: by
Mary woke up later than usual because the sun wasn't brightly shining in her bedroom window.
At first, she thought it was sometime in the middle of the night, but when she rolled over in bed, she could smell gingerbread baking in the oven.
She took a deep breath and delighted in the sweet scent that filled her nose.
It made her think of peppermint candy canes, chocolate chips, fruity gumdrops and fresh pine needles.
She sat up in bed remembering Christmas was two days away.
She reached for her robe at the foot of the bed, tied it around her waist and put her fluffy red slippers on her feet. She ran to the window to see if there was any snow on the ground yet.
Since this was Mary's first Christmas living in a home where winter brought snow, her only wish was for a snowman. But it was another day where the grass was brown, not covered beneath a blanket of white.
'Maybe,' she thought 'Maybe, those grey clouds are snow clouds.'
She ran out of her room and down the hall to the kitchen, where Mama was taking a tray of gingerbread man cookies out of the oven.
"Will it snow today, Mama?" Mary asked as she put on her glasses.
"The weatherman said that if it rains and it gets cold enough, we might get some snow." Mama answered.
Laughing, Mary said, "You mean daddy said."
"Well, yes. He is the weatherman." she smiled.
"I'm going to ask daddy to make it snow because there's only two more days until Christmas and I really do want a snowman."
"Mary, you know Daddy can't make it snow. It's the cold weather and the clouds that bring snow."
"I know," she smiled, "but I can always ask him."
After eating breakfast Mary waited all day, looking every now and then out of the kitchen window, hoping to see snow flurries in the air.
By bedtime, she had given up the idea of having a snowman for Christmas.
She refused to eat any dinner because her stomach hurt too badly.
All night, she tossed and turned in bed.
When she awoke in the morning, she heard Mama calling, "Mary, Mary, come to the kitchen; come and see."
She slowly sat up, rubbed her eyes and climbed out of bed.
She didn't bother getting her robe or put on her warm slippers.
She ran down the cold hallway into the warm kitchen.
"What, Mama? What do you want me to see?"
"I want you to come to the window and look out."
Mary strolled to the kitchen window.
Her eyes opened wide bringing a smile to her face.
She saw snow covering the ground, packed on her swing seat and piled on the tree's bare branches.
With excitement, she screamed, "Will you help me make a snowman?"
"As soon as you get your coat, hat, boots and gloves." Mama replied.
Mary dressed as quickly as she could. She didn't want Mama to change her mind.
Together, they rolled clumps of snow to make two big round snowballs.
Mama found Dad's old black hat, Grandpa's pipe, Grandma's worn green wool scarf, and Mary found black liquorice gumdrops for his eyes, a carrot for his nose and five red cherries for his mouth.
When her snowman looked perfect, Mary stood back to admire him.
She put her hands on her hips and said, "He's a perfect snowman."
Then, she sat down in the snow beside him. But, when she began to feel cold, she stood and kissed him on his cheek, waved goodbye, and went inside to sit by the fire.
In the afternoon she sat on a chair and watched him from the kitchen window.
That evening, Grandma and Grandpa came for turkey dinner.
Afterwards, they all sang Christmas songs until bedtime.
In the morning Mary unwrapped her Christmas presents feeling happy her one Christmas wish came true.
But, by late afternoon, the only part of her perfect snowman that was still standing was his fat round belly.
His black hat, green scarf and Grandpa's old pipe lay in a puddle of water.
The sunshine had shone hot and bright all day and melted her first Christmas snowman.
She felt tears trying to come into her eyes because she wished so hard that he would stay longer, but inside her heart felt warm.
Her Christmas wish came true.
She got to build her first snowman.
She turned from the window and looked at her mom, dad, grandma and grandpa sitting around the Christmas tree.
She smiled and said, "My snowman came for Christmas and the cold weather and clouds will bring him back again."
Dad answered, "You should be the weather girl."
They all laughed, and then they sang Frosty the Snowman.
The End
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