Nancys First Flower Garden by Angela Adame - Children's Stories Net

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Nancys First Flower Garden
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Nancy had a big backyard and wanted to plant some pretty flowers in it.
She drove to the flower garden store and had lots to choose from.
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First she needed supplies to get her garden ready.
She walked into the store looking around; she needed a shovel, fertilizer, hose, and garden tools.
As it is summer she wants to get summer plants to put in her very first flower garden.
Hmm.. what kind should I buy?
Let me see, so many beautiful summer flowers.
OH, an Aster, a very beautiful purple colour, yellow daisies so pretty, geraniums, petunias, marigolds, pansies, roses, lavender.
Nancy bought all these flowers as she wanted a verity of colours in her flower garden.
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Now that she had all of them, and her supplies, she was ready to go back home.
She drove back home singing all the way.
When Nancy got home she went into her back yard and looked at her garden, she needed to make a big enough square.
She started to clear the area and used her shovel to break the dirt.
Once she had done this, for the whole square, she was ready to add the fertilizer.
After spreading it around she was ready to plant her flowers.
So excitedly she started to plant the new beautiful summer flowers she had bought.
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Once she had planted them all she added a cute little white fence around her garden so that the little animals would not come in to steal her flowers.
She was so happy, she was singing, and noticed the butterflies and hummingbirds playing on the flowers.
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The End


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