The Apple Tree by Harshu - Children's Stories Net

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The Apple Tree
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Children's Story: by

Once there lived an apple tree which played with a boy.
The boy treated the tree as his best toy and the tree was happy but didn't like to see the boy unhappy.
They loved each other and grew up just like brothers.
As time passed the boy was no longer a boy but became a young man.
He didn't come to the tree for a long time, until one day he returned sad.
The tree was very happy to see him and asked, "Why you are unhappy."
"I want some toys to play with; I have not played with any for a long time."
"OK then," said the tree, "take some of my apples and sell them to buy some new toys."
The tree shook its stem and apples fell to the ground.
The boy took the apples and left, leaving the tree lonely and bereft.
A long time passed and the boy didn't come back.
But one day he returned as a businessman
He said to the tree, "I want to build a house for my lovely spouse."
"OH, you want a house," said the tree, "you can feel free to chop off my branches."
The man cut the branches he needed and left, leaving the tree lonely.
After a long time the man came back again but this time he was lame.
He asked the tree to build a boat and on rivers it should float.
The tree helped once again but now a stump was all that was left of the tree and it was in a lot of pain.
The man returned again, as an old man.
The tree said that he couldn't do anything else as he had done everything he could.
The old man said that he only needed a place to rest.
The tree jumped with joy and said, "My tree stump is the best place to rest."
They watched the sunset filled with laughter and they lived together happily ever after.

The End
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