The Squirrel And His Acorn by Brad Rochester - Children's Stories Net

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The Squirrel And His Acorn
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

Children's Story: by
Once upon a time, deep in the forest, lived Mr. Squirrel and his family.
Spring had just begun and it was time for the acorns to drop from the trees.
Mr. Squirrel was looking everywhere for some fresh acorns because his family had just run out of their winter supply.
He couldn't find any so he had to manage with the next best thing, bugs.
He went to his tree to bring food home but his kids did not want to eat any more beetles or caterpillars.
His son Bucky said "Daddy, I want acorns; bugs are icky."
Mr. Squirrel sadly replied, "Kids, you are just going to have to make do until Daddy can find some acorns for us all."
Then Mr. Squirrel gave his wife and two kids a kiss and set off on a journey so that he could feed his family what they wanted.
He knew his wife made the best mix of acorns and honey, and he didn't want to miss out on it this year.
Mr. Squirrel took off running and jumping tree to tree trying to find some acorns.
"No luck." he said as he came upon a wide open space in the middle of the forest.
He sat for a minute and went to the stream for some water.
As he was drinking, he saw a turtle a few feet away from him, playing in the water with his kids.
He said, "Excuse me, Mr. Turtle, have you seen any acorns this year? My family really wants some, and I can't find them anywhere."
Mr. Turtle looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Squirrel, I haven't seen acorns anywhere. I can catch you a fish though."
"No thanks," responded Mr. Squirrel.
He then went on his merry way in search of delicious acorns.
Mr. Squirrel was running as fast as he could in search for these acorns.
He kept going until he came across a rabbit.
He stopped and asked, "Mr. Rabbit, have you hopped across any acorns this spring?"
Mr. Rabbit said, "No, I haven't, but there is plenty of grass for everyone."
"I don't like grass," replied Mr. Squirrel, "I am hungry though."
He then tried a piece of grass and spit it right out.
"That was nasty," he told Mr. Rabbit, "I've got to find some acorns. Thanks anyway Mr. Rabbit!"
He then continued on his journey.
He kept on running because he knew his family were awaiting a delicious meal of acorns and honey.
He then came across a skunk and stopped to talk.
With his fingers pinching his nose he said, "Mr. Skunk, have you seen any acorns this year?"
The skunk was upset by him holding his nose and he replied, "No!" in a fierce tone and walked away from the hungry little squirrel.
Mr. Squirrel began walking instead of running and felt like it was hopeless until all of a sudden he tripped.
He was so mad that he got up and kicked what had made him fall.
When he did, he realised it was an acorn, and that now he had to find where he had kicked it.
He ran and found it; it had landed in a pile of acorns!
There had to be at least 20 acorns there.
He grabbed four, one for each family member, and began his journey back home.
When he was halfway home, he came across a snake that was really in the mood for a squirrel.
Mr. Squirrel said, "Leave me alone, I've got to get to my family."
The snake replied, "Me too, and you're coming with me!"
Terrified, the squirrel took off running and the snake struck and only just missed him. The snake hit his head on a rock and was knocked out cold.
Mr. Squirrel took off again and finally got home to his family.
Everyone was waiting for him, and were so happy that he was home.
His wife then said, "I'm all out of honey, can you please go get me some honey from the bee hive over there?"
She pointed to a big bee hive with hundreds of bees.
Mr. Squirrel turned towards it with a decidedly scared look in his eyes!
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