Children's Poems and Rhyming Story A Family by Dennyk - Children's Stories Net

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A Family
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Children's Story: by
The most important group in the world is a family; to become a member is not very difficult
You must be a person living in the world today, who cares for other people without fault
Most families do things together in a happy way, as way down deep they love each other
Sometimes family members split apart for a reason; the one who usually solves this is mother
She keeps a close knit group in a magical manner, even when you're small and after you're grown
People wonder what is the secret to this mystical group, and the exact answer is still not really known
When difficult times occur and things look very bleak, you can look for aid from your family tree
They will help put things right and correct your mistakes, until you can see to find your own way free
Even when you're old and gray, do not ever lose hope; someone in your family will help you stand
When things go bad you can always count on a member, to give you a good lift up and a helping hand
The family will stay together through good and bad times, in either days of warm sun or cold dreary rain
There is a bit of magic in each and every family in a crisis, that no one has really ever been able to explain
Your family, your family, please do not ever forget them, and it is for sure they will always remember you
There are usually many different kinds and minds in a family; they all should be your loving and best friends too.


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