Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Beneath The Cushions by Terry Lerdall-Fitterer - Children's Stories Net

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Beneath The Cushions
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Children's Story: by
Unwelcome guests invade our house,
beneath the cushions of the couch,
but when I send them on their way,
they just return another day.
These so-called guests are burdensome,
consisting most of food and crumb,
that take a ride in Mom's vacuum,
but leave their off-spring 'bout the room.
These bits and pieces have a knack,
of being stored for future snack,
kids hide them deep for TV nights,
then, reach down under for a bite!
I've made a list of favorite treats,
that find their way beneath the seats,
so many treasures—quite content,
they should be made to pay the rent.
One time I found a chicken bone
that thought the sofa was its home,
a pizza crust, a walnut shell,
a dried-up olive—who could tell?
The other night my brother cried,
"My gosh! It smells like someone died!"
I looked and calmly said with glee,
"It's just a hunk of broccoli!"
Then suddenly, a sneak attack,
I saw it growing 'tween the cracks,
a horrid thing--it left me numb,
I think it was the 'Franken-Crumb'!
Its tentacles were everywhere,
and heavy breathing filled the air,
It shrieked, "Clean up your act!", then said
"I started as a crust of bread!"
I got up from my bed in shock,
and gazed upon the bedroom clock,
I heard a noise from down below
Mom had her Hoover on the go!
The sofa sighed with much relief-
she vacuumed it beyond belief,
and threatened if one crumb should stray
she'd make me use a TV tray!

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