Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Spooky House by Steve Kittell - Children's Stories Net

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Spooky House
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

Children's Story: by

At the end of my street, quite near,
sits the source of all that I fear.
Now a horror, once a jewel,
I run fast on my way to school.
Looms alone behind a high wall,
Watching me pass, the house sees all.
Hidden by trees most of the year,
but when fall comes so does my fear.
Autumn leaves drop, crunch under feet.
Out pops the house that haunts our street.
Halloween comes, chill in the air.
But trick-or-treaters won't go there.
Lights never on, no cars in drive,
Shades always down, nothing alive.
I've heard stories, sounds in the night.
Of the house that causes our fright.
The shutters bang and hinges creak.
But no one dare to take a peek.
Many a ball lost over the gate.
Remember the score, game can wait!
Children's Story: by
Spooky shadows in the moonlight,
ghostly shapes in the dark of night.
The vines on the porch creep and crawl,
been scaring kids since mom was small.
Children's Story: by
Bats in attic, mice in the shed,
phantoms inside or so it's said.
Some say it's empty, some say not.
Either way I'm worried a lot.
Off to bed one dreary fall night,
a bad time to turn off the light.
Mom tucks me in, we chat awhile.
She kissed my cheek, left with a smile.
My sleepy smile soon fades to fear,
when spooky house dreams soon appear.
I close my eyes and try to sleep,
ran out of numbers counting sheep.
Outside shadows all a quiver.
Howling winds making me shiver.
I peeked from under my blanket,
The darkness said no sunrise yet.
Children's Story: by
I turned on the light to just wait.
For morning to come, that'll be great.
Awoke to good news, called my friend,
our sleepless nights where soon to end.
Someone bought the spooky old place,
hopes to restore its former grace.
House got painted, bushes cut down.
What a great home, what a great town.
Children's Story: by
Windows fixed, fresh grass on the ground,
sunshine and flowers all around.
New families in, kids galore -
and I'm not afraid anymore.
Children's Story: by
We play in the yard, ride the swing.
We make up rhymes for us to sing.
Now my favourite place to be,
but once I thought the house spooky.

The End

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