Children's Poems and Rhyming Story The Disappearing Tooth by Terry Lerdall-Fitterer - Children's Stories Net

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The Disappearing Tooth
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Children's Story: by

A tiny lady lingered
on my windowsill last night,
so patiently she waited
for my eyelids to close tight.
I lost my tooth that morning
and I wanted to believe,
a tiny, lady-fairy
had a gift for me to leave.
It wasn't long she had to wait
I fell asleep quite fast,
but as she moved, she woke me up
just as she tiptoed past.
I opened one eye just a bit,
just far enough to see
her searching 'neath my pillow soft
as gentle as could be.
She looked so pale and delicate,
a breath would muss her wings,
upon her head she wore a crown,
and on her fingers--rings.
I lay quite still, so very still--
I was afraid to breathe,
for fear of scaring her away
before she planned to leave.
She crawled beneath my pillow
where I felt her searching 'round,
and then I heard her giggle
over something she had found.
Before I blinked, she flew away
past curtains made of lace,
and when I searched to find my tooth,
a dime was in its place!
And ever since I've tried to guess
just how that dime got there...
it wasn't on that tiny, lady-fairy anywhere!


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