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Schools Young Writer Awards
A Day in the Life of Puck from a Midsummer Nights Dream
Author: Sophia Thomas (1st Prize)      Age guide: none
American Academy Nicosia

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Oberon a mean and evil fairy king,
Can make something tragic happen in a blink.
He shouted loudly "Puck my devious elf,
Come and show you mischievous self!"
Puck flew through the light blue sky,
And Oberon shouted "Stop don't fly!"
Puck listened carefully,
While Oberon mumbled thoughtfully.
"I want to help a human couple,
Go fetch the flower on the double."
These white flowers,
have mighty powers.
Put 2 drops into the young mans eyes,
When he wakes his true love cries.
Those will be happy tears,
After he tells her he has no fears.
Puck found a human couple,
Little did they know of trouble.
He exactly did,
What Oberon bid.
He tried to do an evil rumble
But didn't manage so started to mumble.
"What you see when you awake,
Do it for you true love take!"
Puck giggled and flew away,
When Helena came to find the way.
She was busy looking for Demetrius,
Because he was so serious.
Over Lysanders legs she stumbled,
When he woke she cried and mumbled.
Lysander stood there staring.
While Helena was glaring.
All this was the fault of Puck,
As he had very bad luck.
He put the juice in the wrong mans eyes,
This means every girl cries.
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