Ebert The Kangaroo
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Angela Adame
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A cute little snail who wishes to be like the kangaroos and hop around.
One day, lonely Ebert was looking over at the kangaroos hoping around having fun.
'I wish I could hop around like that' he thought.
Ebert's father called out "Come over here."
"Hey pa, can we hop like the kangaroos?"
"No son we are snails."
"But pa, they are having so much fun."
"Sorry son, we are just snails, we can't hop around."
He saw his friends pointing and laughing at him.
Ebert became very sad and slid away.
He kept looking at the kangaroos hoping and hoping,
'There has to be a way I can hop and have fun he." said to himself.
He saw a big marshmallow on the ground and went over to it.
He got on it and started to hop around.
"Yippee" he cried out.
All his friends, and even his pa, wanted to get on the marshmallow and hop around like the kangaroos.
He was having so much fun hoping all over the place, even the kangaroo's looked at him
Ebert was very happy that day and was no longer sad.
The End
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