Rajeev Bhargava's Childrens Stories - Children's Stories Net

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Dearest Darling Sweetheart Mona
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This is dedicated to my short-coated sable-coloured Chihuahua, whose name is Mona, who just celebrated her 11th birthday on Wednesday, 18th April 2018.
I also call her "Sweetie" because of her kind, loving and playful nature.
She's not just my pet; she's an integrated member of our family and she follows me around the house, wherever I go.
I simply love her to bits and cannot imagine my life without her.

Children's Story: Dearest Darling Sweetheart Mona by Rajeev Bhargava
I am dedicating this to my dearest and beloved, darling sweetheart, Mona, a beautiful short-coated sable-coloured Chihuahua dame, who truly lives life to its fullest, is playful and full of zest and vigor.
She comes upstairs every-so-often, to wish me 'Good Morning', then back downstairs in the kitchen, after her lunch, I offer her favourite treat and say, "Mona, who wants Dental Delicious" to which her face and ears become alert.
We play Fetch on the stairs and I smile as she speeds up and down, then we move around to the back-garden patio and grass together.
When the evening comes, we smile at one another and stay up late until bedtime.
Mona is truly a gem of a girl, with her sparkling brown eyes and loving nature.
She's not just my pet dog; she's an integrated mega-intelligent member of my family as well as my special friend and I love her to bits.
I simply cannot imagine life without her, so thank you very much, "Sweetie"
For coming into my life and giving me so much happiness and pleasure!


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Rajeev's Stories
Here's a list of just some of Rajeev's stories which are rotated on this page one at a time and available to registered readers. The entire collection is available immediately to those registered for Unlimited Children's Stories (see Free Story Access above).
Adopting Coomah
A Celestial Reunion
Babys First Cake
Check-made For One Another
David And Monicas Halloween Night Fancy Dress Party
Digilitis Sapien - Chapter One
Digilitis Sapien - Chapter Two
Digilitis Sapien - Chapter Three
Eleadoara, Fairy Princess, Visits Cake And Pastry Land
Floanna, Pink Princess Of The Mermaids
Gerald The Giraffe And Jemimas New Year Resolution
Jack's Prehistoric Adventure
Just Young At Heart
Kookaburra Kittys Singing Session With Buttercup Berti
Kookaburra Kittys Special Christmas Treat
Kookaburra Kittys Summer Break With Felicity Fruit
Kookaburra Kittys Weight-loss Workout Routine
Kookaburra Kitty And Felicity Fruitys Easter Surprise Party
Kookaburra Kitty Celebrates Her First Halloween With Hector Horlicks
Kukaburra Kitty Goes Shopping With Felicity Fruity
Lights Action Music
Mias First Visit To The Library
Nimba The Magical Blue Whale
Olivia And The Interplanetary Occupants
Partners In Rhyme Contest
Singin In The Shower
Snow Mountain
The Chain Of Nature
The Robins Will Chirp And Sing For Matilda Peri Rusterson
The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth

Thanks for your interest and happy reading.



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