Odd And Orange
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Joanne Hayle
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Jack liked tasty food and so did his tummy.
His plate was piled high with nice food and something odd looking, and orange!
Oh no!
"Mummy," he screwed his face up.
"Yes Jack," his mummy knew what he was going to say.
"What is this?" he prodded it with his fork.
"Carrot. It is very good for you, it's a vegetable."
"Oh, well I don't think that I like carrot."
"You haven't tried carrot before," his mummy laughed.
"It looks funny." Jack pushed it around on the plate.
"Please try some, I think that you will like it."
"It will be yuck, that's what I think."
"Jack, carrot is sweet and juicy; would I give you food that was going to make you say yuck?"
Jack thought, he still didn't like the look of the carrot on his plate.
"Mummy, could I have ice cream instead please?"
"If you eat all of your dinner you can have ice cream, but eat the carrot first please young man."
He pulled a face, "Muuuuuuuummmmy! Do I have to?"
"Come on Jack, you can do it."
Jack thought of the strawberry ice cream that he wanted.
He looked at the carrot on his plate and he stared up at his mummy.
He sucked in his cheeks and made a funny noise.
"Mummy, I don't want to try carrot but I will."
He put some odd orange carrot on to his fork.
He held it up to his mouth.
He wrinkled his nose and then opened his mouth very slowly.
His mummy wanted to laugh because he looked so cute.
He put some carrot in to his mouth, chewed it a bit and then he chewed it a little more before he swallowed it down.
Jack was surprised. "I think that carrot tastes good; I've been a brave boy."
He ate all of his carrots and the rest of his dinner.
Jack was very proud of himself and so was his mummy.
"Mummy, please can I have some ice cream now?"
"Yes you can, well done Jack."
He smiled.
"Thank you, carrot is not as yummy as ice cream but it isn't horrible either.
Hooray, carrot ice cream might taste nice too; I'll try that one day!"
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