The Dark Horse
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Leanne Drain
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A mystical fog spreads over the empty woods.
As I approached the fence I could see it standing on all four legs; its black eyes and its weary complexion.
I sensed its presence and suddenly I am drawn to its beauty.
It is chained to the fence; the chain has roses embedded in it.
It stares back at me; and at that moment I am lost and bewildered in darkness.
As each passing petal falls from the rose of its spiritual tail.
It breaks free and charges over the fence and graciously guides towards me.
As it just sits there and stares; I sense a chill up my spine.
I am unsettled by his appearance, just when I think the dark forest can set my mood he kneels down for me to stroke him.
I reach out, tenderly I touch his skin and he warms up to me.
I realise in that moment there is no need to be scared; I've conquered my fear and overgrown my demons.
I feel the horses' heartbeat, so peaceful just like me.
It's amazing how something so dark can turn into something so bright and full of light.
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