Eleadoara, Fairy Princess, Visits Cake And Pastry Land by Rajeev Bhargava - Children's Stories Net

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Eleadoara, Fairy Princess, Visits Cake And Pastry Land
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A long time ago, in Cake and Pastry Land, the people were all plump and happy souls. There was never any problem on what to eat and everyone had the same shape and height.
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One day a beautiful fairy-princess appeared, her name was Eleadoara.
She had used her magic wand and flown across the seas to visit this famous land.
The residents saw her come from the skies as she made her landing.
"Oh look! It's a real fairy-princess." said Chompy.
"How do you know she's a princess?" asked his wife Fudgella.
"Because she's wearing a silver crown on her head," he tutted.
Eleadoara approached them.
"Excuse me, but is this the famous Cake and Pastry Land?"
There was a moment's silence as Chompy turned and looked at Fudgella.
Then both burst out laughing, simultaneously.
"I'm sorry children, but I really don't know, you see, I'm a visitor and..."
"Excuse me, but we're not children!" said Chompy,
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's alright," said Fudgella, "would you like to sample some of our famous cakes and pastries?"
"Oh yes please, but not much. I don't want to gain extra weight, or I'll have problem flying back to my home!"
Children's Story: by
That afternoon the three of them sat outdoors and enjoyed chocolate chip and coconut cake, and warm pate' pastry puffs.
Eleadoara's mouth was full but she found it all irresistible.
Then she looked around.
"Is there something else we may offer you dear Eleadoara?" asked Chompy.
"Mmmm, may I have a cold drink please?"
Both Chompy and Fudgella looked at each other in confusion.
They had never had any drinks, or knew about their existence in Cake and Pastry Land.
Eleadoara saw their faces drop, and then smiled gently.
"This is the secret reason of my visit. I had heard about this lovely place, only one thing was missing, and I wanted to break it to you gently."
"So...so, what...what's the solution?" said Chompy, on the brink of tears.
"Don't cry. I'm a fairy princess and with my magic wand I am going to bless you with a life-time supply of Orange Barley Squash!"
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"Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!"
The fairy princess Eleadoara returned to her world and left the people of Cake and Pastry Land to enjoy a lifetime of Cake, Pastry and Orange Barley Squash drinks.
They all laughed, danced, ate and drank and lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
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