Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Lucys Library Adventure by Rachel Elazar - Children's Stories Net

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Lucys Library Adventure
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

The library is definitely not Lucy's idea of a fun place to go with her older sister until she finds a magical way to enter a creative adventure story via the back row of her neighbourhood library. In no time she is on a plane with three new friends about to embark on a very special adventure.

Children's Story: by
Hi! My name is Lucy and it's Saturday, a sister day.
A super fun day!
Just Chloe and me...Hooray!
While eating my favourite breakfast, two chocolate chip waffles with a big glass of milk, I ask "What's the plan, Clo? run and play at the park today or see a funny movie and laugh 'til we're goofy?
Oh, I love mini golf, soccer and the zoo...
or we can paint each other's nails purple, green and blue!"
"We're going to the library," she said.
I gave Chloe a few seconds to perhaps change her mind.
When that didn't work, I wanted to stay behind.
"My hopes for a fun day just burst like a balloon.
Is this a bad dream?
Please wake me up soon!"
Children's Story: by
"I hear the new library is a very special place.
Some say it's magical," Chloe said with a smile on her face.
I grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her out of the door.
Off we went to the library without saying any more.
Children's Story: by
When we got to the children's room I looked all around for something magical,
but do you know what I found?
Kids reading in soft chairs, books hiding their faces, a librarian stopping two boys having races.
A circle of children listening to a man tell a story about a bird, a bunny, and a goldfish named Sunny!
Lots of books sitting in row after row, wondering who will choose them and where will they go.
"Look Chloe, there's no magic. I'm not saying Wow!
Take me somewhere fun and I mean NOW!"
Sh-h-h said the librarian.
Sh-h-h said the children who were reading.
Then Chloe whispered, "I'm going to look at the teen books one floor above.
Go to the back row of the library, you may find a book you love.
I went there a few weeks ago and little did I know that place would amaze me.
Go Lucy, go!"
Children's Story: by
There in the back row of books I did see a girl staring right at me.
"Can I borrow you?" she asked, "My name is Grace.
I'm from a book where children fly to an amazing place.
My plane has room for one more girl, come with me and we'll go for a whirl!"
She pulled from the shelf a bright colourful book, and then took my hand with a very excited look.
"Come on, let's check you in. I'll need you for a while.
We have to go right away to the back of this aisle!"
Grace pulled me to a computer; it was big, shiny and green.
The sign above it said 'Self Check-In Machine.'
"Now type your name and click on the mouse.
Then, Lucy, you'll find out when you can return to your house."
"Wait a minute, how did you know my name?
Where am I going? IS THIS A GAME?"
Sh-h-h said the librarian.
Sh-h-h said the children who were reading.
Tap tap on my shoulder. It was a boy who said, "Hey don't you know? Jumping into books is a joy!
I was the captain of a ship on a rainbow coloured sea.
You just leap into a book, there's no telling who you can be!"
Children's Story: by
OK, Lucy thought, I'll give it a try. I turned right around and typed
I clicked the mouse once and right away I saw,
Book: Create-a-Land Lucy due home August 24.
"That's tomorrow!" Grace said, "We need to leave this minute!
Take my hand and we'll go to Create-A-Land!"
Grace and I joined hands and before I knew it...
Whoosh! Who-o-osh...Whoo-o-o-osh! WHO-O-O-OSH!!!
Children's Story: by
Suddenly I was in a seat, a wide window where I could see clouds of pink and blue cotton candy all around to welcome me.
"You made it onto our plane!" Grace exclaimed from another seat.
"Let me introduce two of our pilots, they are William and Pete.
Pete created the cotton candy. What do you think?
Boys, this is Lucy, she made it here in a blink!
Another pilot to design special lands. Thanks Lucy, for giving us a hand!"
"" I was trying to put it all together in my brain.
"Do you mean I will also be flying this plane?"
"Come to the design room," Grace said, "isn't it great?
There are magic markers of every colour you can use to create!
You just draw on this screen, pick a colour Lucy, you'll see what I mean."
'What fun,' I thought, as I gazed at so many colours.
'All shades of blues, reds, greens, golds, the pinks of sunset, fiery orange—so bold!
What should I make? Will it come alive?
But then there was William with a wild look in his eyes.'
Children's Story: by
"Get ready," warned Peter, "he's going to do the 'W'!"
"It's his passion," Grace explained, "and his signature too."
William grabbed a magic marker, I think it was turquoise.
Then he drew a huge 'W' and the plane's engine made a big noise.
We just made it to our seats as the plane dipped and rose and dipped and rose.
'W's can't be beat!
Then right before our eyes we saw across the cotton candy sky, a 'W' in pretty blue floating way up high.
"OK," Grace said, "that was exciting it's true. Now it's time to give Lucy something to do."
"I've got it!" I shouted and ran to the design room followed by my three new friends, Zoom—Zoom—Zoom!!!
I asked them to decorate my giant happy face ball with the things they love most of all.
Grace drew hearts, Peter drew bears, William drew 'W's.
No surprise there!
"It's a beach ball!"
"No, it's our own special planet!"
"It looks to me like...the world's most amazing cookie!"
"The world's most amazing cookie?"
(Lucy, Grace and Peter)
"All good guesses," I said, "but that's not what I had in mind.
It's a moon bounce my friends, and it's certainly one of a kind!"
Suddenly our plane started moving like a ball!
Up and down 10 times in all. "Hold on so you don't fall!"
Finally we landed, the plane door opened.
A ray of sunshine showed us the way to a huge grassy field, with our special moon bounce where we could jump and play!
It looked just as we drew it, happy faces, hearts, 'W's, bears...
"There's one of my bears!" Peter shouted, "But that teddy is alive!
He's waving at us and holding a sign."
Children's Story: by
"Are you the Create-a-Land kids?" the bear asked.
"Can I jump with you? I had a dream, jumping and bouncing would bring two special lands, it's true!
Before we jump, let me introduce myself.
My name is Kingsley Baer. That's 'a' before the 'e', not 'e' before the 'a'.
I'm backwards but I don't care!"
"I'm Lucy and these are my new friends, Grace, William and Peter.
We can't wait for this new adventure!"
"Me neither!"
Just then I found a place to enter our bouncy creation.
In no time at all, we were jumping with elation!
Bouncing all over our unique red globe, jumping and falling everywhere,
I heard someone laughing loudly. No doubt it was Kingsley Baer!
I jumped so high and fell near Grace, she almost fell on me.
Then Peter and William jumped near us with so much energy!
Children's Story: by
One at a time we shouted our names while bouncing and landing happily,
then suddenly we heard flute music playing ever so softly.
We followed the beautiful melody outside; there was no more grassy field!
It was a big fair with all sorts of rides.
Was this place for real?
Lots of children, ponies to ride, popcorn wagons, not a cloud in the sky!
A hot air balloon, games with stuffed animal prizes, swirled ice cream cones.
A funhouse with surprises! A dancing clown and a juggler on a unicycle.
What funny guys!
With all there was to look at, you could play a long game of 'I Spy.'
Children's Story: by
Off we went through the fair, four friends and a bear, riding the coaster, the ferris wheel, the swings and carousel, even the hot air balloon!
"Can we have an ice cream soon?"
We enjoyed our ice cream while laughing about the fair,
but then we noticed Kingsley Baer was not there!
"He was here just a few minutes before..."
"He ate a tall chocolate cone and then wanted more."
"Instead he came back with a big bag of popcorn."
"Which he shared with us until the bag was torn."
We set out to look for that big jolly bear, hoping he wasn't lost in the big crowded fair.
There! On the ground! A popcorn trail leading to...
"It's Kingsley! Yippee! He's riding a Pony?"
"Look at me friends! I'm so happy to see you! I knew that my popcorn trail would lead you.
Watch me ride!!!" Kingsley Baer shouted with pride.
A bear riding a pony, Oh how funny!
Back and forth, back and forth,
Kingsley needed to learn to give others a turn!
Finally Kingsley came down to pet the pony goodbye.
Then we heard the flute once again...
That enchanting melody, we didn't want it to end.
The moon bounce!
There it was straight ahead; the hearts, the bears, the 'W's, that giant ball of red.
It was time to go inside, my special friends and I.
We jumped all over, bouncing endlessly, holding hands, running and falling, rolling from our backs to our tummies! Where will we end up next I wondered?
This is so much fun! Soon our jumps were interrupted by the beating of a drum.
Rum-drum Rum-drum-drum
Rum-drum Rum-drum-drum
The drumbeats led us through the night to a house with not 1... not 2... not 3... but 4 big bright lights!
Each window a different color flashing on and off to the beat.
Red, orange, yellow and green, the greatest light show we had ever seen!
A sign surrounded by lights was taped to the front door:
Welcome to Treasure House!
Collect as many treasures as you can find.
Don't leave any treasure behind!
"Let's stay together as we explore from door to door."
"Especially when we leave to explore on a different floor."
"Got it Kingsley?"
(Lucy, Grace, Peter, William)
"Got it!"
Children's Story: by
We saw coins and dolls, great toys for all ages, shiny gems and books with gold pages.
Marbles, ceramic horses, and snow globes too.
Dazzling necklaces, kaleidoscopes, and airplane-shaped cameras; it's true!
"Look what I found!" Kingsley exclaimed. "A little pony like the one I rode at the fair!"
"I think I see a 'W' like the one I drew in the air." William says as he looks through a kaleidoscope.
Children's Story: by
"I found lots of gems. I can pretend they're from an exotic land!"
"This pretty doll looks like my sister Chloe. When I put her on the floor, she can stand!"
"These airplanes were in each room. Do all of you have one? Press the button, it takes a picture!
An airplane-camera--What fun!"
Then once again we heard the drum:
Rum-drum Rum-drum-drum
Rum-drum Rum-drum-drum
"Take a picture of us, Peter!"
"OK, ready everyone? 1, 2, 3..."
"Kingsley, it's a camera," Peter explains, "so we say 1, 2, 3..."
"No Kingsley!"
"It goes like this 1, 2, 3, smile!"
We posed with our treasures and in just a flash,
we were in the place where our plane had landed; that huge field of grass.
There was no moon bounce, but a dark starry sky.
It was time to board our plane, and I knew why.
Kingsley Baer gave each of us a great big Baer hug.
In his furry arms we felt so warm and snug.
We asked him to fly with us.
He said he'd like to go, but then he'd miss his Mom, Dad, and his little brother, Mo.
We watched Kingsley walk across the field to his cosy bear house and hoped we'd see him one day soon.
Then we stepped into the plane and headed straight to the design room.
"Lucy is due home tomorrow," Grace said, "so we have an overnight flight.
It's my turn to draw something amazing. I just might!
I have a great idea! It just came to my mind.
I'll need a few minutes to compose my design."
Children's Story: by
Pop Pop Pop! Whoosh! Burst!
Grace drew fireworks!
"Let's go to our seats now."
"Yes friends, hold on tight!"
"We're going to go very fast!"
"And see many lights!"
Each light, a dancer leaping through the night.
We watched and watched, Oh what a sight!
Then we emptied our bags of treasures in one big pile
and played with them all for a very long while.
The next thing I knew we were waking up on the floor, when Grace had announced,
"It's August twenty-four!"
"I made all of us waffles for breakfast."
"Waffles are my favourite breakfast food!"
This put William in a very happy mood.
"Thanks Grace. Waffles are my favourite breakfast food too!"
"I wonder why" Peter said, emphasizing the 'W's.
After breakfast I left my collection of toys for my Create-a-Land friends to enjoy.
Then Grace said she had a surprise. "This plane has a special slide!"
Children's Story: by
We climbed up and slid down the curly slide, our smiles and laughter we could not hide.
A tunnel appeared; was it time to say goodbye?
Grace, Peter and William waved to me as I slid through the tunnel, and in 1-2-3
I was returned to the library!
There was Mom, Dad and Chloe! They each gave me a big hug and kiss.
Then Chloe asked, "How was your adventure, sis?"
"Amazing!" I said. "I have so much to tell you. Chloe, how did you know when I was due?"
"On the computer, I checked your due date.
It said: August 24 11am. I wouldn't be late!"
"Wait right here!" I told Chloe.
Then I ran to the back row where my adventure started just one day ago.
There was one particular book I wanted very much to borrow,
so I could read about my exciting trip tomorrow.
I walked up and down the row.
Where did that bright, colourful book go?
Just when I was about to go home and play, I saw Create-a-Land on the new book display!
There on the cover jumping with glee was Grace, Peter, William, Kingsley Baer and...ME!
Children's Story: by
The End
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