Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Petman Petes Backyard by John Williams - Children's Stories Net

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  Petman Petes Backyard
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

Petman Pete is a real person, christened Peter O'Donnell.
He lives in a rural area of NSW Australia, at a place called Tennyson.
He lives on a four acre (about 1.5 hectare) property and has lived there his whole life.
Over the years Pete's place has become a haven for animals.
Some of the animals Peter brought there, some live there naturally, while others have strayed in off the road or come through the bush and decided to stay.
Pete loves animals and they love him.
He is kind to all of his animals and tries to give them a very good home.
Sometimes, some of the cheeky animals come inside Pete's homestead, when they really shouldn't; he doesn't get annoyed, he just explains to them where they are supposed to be and off they go again.
Everyone in the district knows Petman Pete and his menagerie of animals.
Soon, you will too.

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Starting out for the day is Petman Pete,
Where he goes there's no concrete,
He has a large yard where animals are,
He can hear a whinny, a moo and a baa.

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Where OH where is my very good friend?
Petman Pete has disappeared again,
There's so many animals for him to see,
And we all need feeding, especially me.

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Rainbow Lorikeets just near the ground,
Pecking at seeds as Pete walks around,
There's always some feed in Pete's backyard,
Getting a nice beak full isn't too hard.

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I think I better have a quiet little nap,
While I wait for Pete, this tired pussy cat,
I know; Pete's bed is the perfect place,
With lots of soft blankets and elegant lace.

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Near the old shed under the eaves,
A small water dragon amongst the leaves,
Pete smiled at the lizard and then moved on,
Leaving the reptile to enjoy the sun.

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A little possum hiding in Pete's shed,
I think he's trying to make a bed,
High up in the rafters he quietly lies,
He certainly gave Pete a big surprise.

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Two young goats feeding in their large pen,
Goats love eating again and again,
You have to be careful they may bunt you,
Best to look from the fence in case they do.

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Up to the fence came Betsy the calf,
Causing Pete to have a good laugh,
Leaning through the fence he gave her a pat,
She quizzically looked at Pete's straw hat.

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Trotting up to the fence came Paedro the horse,
He also wanted his pat of course,
Pete doesn't ride Paedro much anymore,
Looking after the animals is such a chore.

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Beautifully coloured, they're pink and grey,
These galahs are certainly enjoying their day,
Gathered around at the feeding top,
In Pete's backyard they will probably stop.

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Down the back where the pasture is green
Stands mother kangaroo observing the scene,
Her young joey is still in her pouch,
When they see Pete they suddenly crouch.

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Now Petman Pete's off to visit some more,
I wonder what animal is next in store,
Pete sees it high up in a tree,
A black cockatoo dining out for tea.

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Here's a brush turkey wandering around,
Scraping leaf litter to build a large mound,
While others are scratching looking for seed,
They all eat insects as part of their feed.

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A kingfisher coloured beautifully blue
Captured Pete's eye as he came through,
Just sitting quietly having a rest,
But looking for somewhere to build her nest.

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Down near the willow tree and its drooping fronds,
Are ducks and geese and black gliding swans,
Petman Pete tries to visit each day,
To watch the water birds frolic and play.

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Some water fowl dressed in blue and black,
Saw Pete coming along the bush track,
They didn't shy, or try to run away,
They just wanted to share in Pete's day,
But before too long he had to leave,
Back to his homestead to have a good feed.

Children's Story: by

Pete's not looking at animals anymore,
After eating dinner he began to snore,
But I could still do with another pat,
His favourite feline, Tiger the cat.

The End

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